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OK I Lied,

05/12/2016 I said I was going to finish the Alfa T33 but

for some reason the Connaught jumped on my bench and it is well under way. So it seems to be the next model that will be finished. With any luck it should be done before Christmas. It is an ugly little car and ugly cars usually make the best models, and these 50s GP cars have proved popular. This means it should be released early in the new year if not sooner. The tricky bit with the Connaught will be the wheel inserts which are different to say the least. I am sure we will make a reasonable job of it. The Alfa will be on the bench soon after the Connaught, well maybe got a couple of new ideas.

 The TWR XJS Jaguar is back and proving a popular model. It is very good looking and I didn't do a bad job on this If I say so myself. Must stop doing so many Jags though. 

As you may have noticed Christmas is getting close so don't leave it until the last minute to order our lovely little Christmas presents to your self. The last week before Christmasw will be too late as we have our yearly clean of the workshop. Hopefully we will find the lathe, we know roughly where it is, somewhere near the milling machine, if we can find that under all the swarf.
The toilet might have a clean as well, might get away with it for another year, along with the kitchen. Things seem to reach a level of grubbiness and they dont seem to get any worse. Bit like my car which hasn't been washed once in ten years.
My good lady Lynda is totally opposite to me (thank goodness) so our house is very much tidy. But she does struggly with me as I am a very scruffy person. Hanging clothes up in a wardrobe is a completely alien concept. I have also seen Lynda use something she calls an iron, I believe it gets creases out of clothing, again completely alien to me.
She did suggest I buy a new Anorak this winter as the zip is broken on mine and there is a big rip in the shoulder. But I reckon it is good for a couple more years.
Lynda used to be an air hostess for British Airways, during the 70s flying on Jumbos to the US and the Carribean so she is meticulous about her appearance. This cannot be said about me I am one step up from a tramp, but I am pretty good at making model cars... no one is perfect. 

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