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Orpington swapmeet

25-04-15 Now as all of you know when we traders/ manufacturers do a swapmeet we make bundles of cash, well not quite. Most times it is worth our while to attend, but every now and again it doesnt quite work. I went to the Orpington swapmeet on Sunday which is always a good event. But this one didnt go according to plan. Got up at 6am Sunday morning, 6 hours earlier than I normally would on a Sunday, and on the road by 6.30. Its about an hours drive, so £20 on squirt (petrol for those living outside Essex). £5 for the Dartford crossing (a big bridge for those wishing to leave Essex). Then once we get to Orpington we get set up and have a bacon sarnie (£2; even though I brought my own rolls I couldnt resist) we are ready to make some wedge (money for those living outside Essex). Now for the rest of the day I do my best impression of someone who knows about cars and models. I had a quick walk around to have a bit of a nose, during which I saw I saw a tyre I wanted. An old Airfix continental Maserati tyre lying in a box of old bits. "How much?" I asked. "£2" came the reply. Your having a Giraffe I thought (a laugh if you are not from Essex). I put it back and politely said no thank you. "Oh you cant afford a couple of quid?" He remarks. I must admit to being slightly annoyed at this. But I kept my cool and walked off even though I felt like shoving the tyre somewhere where the sun dont shine. But it did make me think that some stallholders, be it very very few, can be rude to customers. I went on to another stand, found another tyre which I did buy from a very polite man for 50p. So by this time I have spent £27.50, back to my stand. Over the course of the day I proceeded to sell 2 kits. So that means I made £70, but after all costs including the £30 for the table it means I took a total of £12.50, not bad for a days work... Oh well next stop Gaydon. This has made me a little more focused because if I dont sell stuff I starve, then noone gets any models. So this week the Bizz is finished and in the mould as is the Porker 356. Also nearly done is the Sebring Chap 2D. Even though I said I wasnt doing it yet. I am also getting stuck into the Allard so by the time I go to Gaydon I should have some new stuff to sell. It is going to be a busy month and if there is time I should get the widened M6A sorted out. If I can get Mr Mack to make a chassis for it all the better. Richard is making up a lot of chassis at the moment and will be selling them at Gaydon. These chassis will not just be for my cars but will cover a wide selection of plastic cars, even though the best ones are for my models... honest. Next week will be spent making rubber moulds. So lots of new stuff coming through and hopefully a bit more work on the Allard next week if I get the time. The Ferrari 246 has been dropped from the range as we have run out of decals. Later in the year we will be doing a new decal sheet so it will probably be put back into production. The mould is also knackered so no more for a while. Now dont moan if didnt get one it has been in the range for a couple of years.

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