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Lots of new stuff this week

28-02-14 Lots of new stuff this week. The 1954 Le Mans D types are done and in production. We have decals for all three cars raced at Le mans in 54. The one pictured came second to the Ferrari which I will be finishing in the next few months). This D is the short nosed version which in my oppinion is the prettiest. I have tweeked it a little, as usual, but only very subtly. And compared with some of the other Ds on the market I think it looks pretty good. That said some of the Ds on the market are bloody awful, how can they get it so wrong? Admittedly it is not an easy car to model, all curves. Anyway enough of that I hope you like my interpretation of this very classic car. More Jags. The Coombes Mk1 one is in production. This is a new casting with the louvered bonnet and the iconic BUY1 number plate as driven by Roy Salvadori. And yes the BUY1 number plate was also later found on a Coombes Mk. 2. We also have the decals for the Walt Hansgen Mk1 Jag. This car was a very dark red/ burgundy with dark red wheels and looks lovely. Pics of it can be found on the car page. The Mclaren M1A is now back in production. Its had lots of improvements as mentioned in the last news it is an all round better slot car. The alfa 12C is taking shape and will be finished next week with any luck. I will make a couple of different castings of this bulky looking car. And it is very bulky compared to the Auto Unions and Mercs. Lots of new wheel inserts on the accessory page. All for slot it 16.5 and 17 wheels. Next week we should have a new generic decal sheet with roundels, numbers and logos. It will be priced at £7 and will be found on the accessory page. We are a bit behind with orders this week due to bits of illness, the dreaded lurgy. But we should be back up to date next week. Thank you for your patience.

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