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Gaydon was a great success


First off, Gaydon was a great success for everyone involved I think. Everyone I have spoken to enjoyed it very much. It was well run, well organised and a day not to be missed by any slot car enthusiast. So thank you to everyone. And to top it off noone annoyed me, well accept for the man who thought the bonnet of my anglia was too long (wide possibly, points to previous rant, ehem).

You never know when you are makinbg the stock for a show what is going to sell. I sold a good mixture . The new racing mk 7 Jag sold the best, unsurprisingly so will be working to get more of that in stock. But even more surprisingly I sold a few of the very wide Imps (Wimps) and I havent sold any of them for ages.

The new RM chassis proved popular. We now have the maserati 300S sorted (prices up soon) with the M8A and Lancia coming along next. Had a good week (thankfully having a rest from moulding) and have got an Rm chassis to fit in the Falcon and the Cougar as well as a couple of others yet to be announced. But for now I must get on with the Merc W154 (hears a joyous cry go up from several people). I have made a start and as usual at this stage in the model havnt got a clue what I am doing, you just keep filing and scraping away and it sort of happens. I always think 90% of the model takes 10% of the time, while the last 10% of the work takes 90% of the time. However I should have something to show for it in a couple weeks. Thats if I dont go off on a tangent in the mean time and make the Jag mk1 or even an allard. But no must stay focused and finish the Merc (Oh look a Brabham haha).

The Dick Seaman K3 kit is now on sale, limited run of about 35, cost is £35 plus pnp. I think it looks very pretty with its Peter Segar Thomas wire wheels and some resin brake drums (brake drums are now available on the accesories page in the car section of the website). The wire wheels are available from

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